Friday 16 April 2010

The IT Crowd - Im a Server Servant

So today I have been trying to get back online.  Its not completed, nowhere near, but I need it to have a presence.  I have spent alot of time and money getting it to this stage already.  I've paid developers to mess around with a script and i've also paid for a brilliant designer to come and design me a fab logo.

The problem that I have at the moment is that i'm not a developer, I don't do servers, I don't do website script, I only have very basic knowledge.  This means that i've had to do alot of reading and messing about.  I've signed up to a free hosting service and this seems to be going well so far, i've downloaded the script that the designers originally cobbled together, i've pointed the domain at the correct server, i've even FTP'd the script over to the website............ All of this not bad for an amateur!  I know have to figure out how to get the database up and running.  Im just gonna go in fresh, I had a database of around 100 people, I dont even know how people found the site but they did!

I'll spend the weekend messaging the people that I believe can help me with my business plans, influential people, business people, people to look up to and learn from.  I'll ask for their advice, i'll take their notes, i'll use their information and then hopefully i'll have the right tools in place to put the 3 plans that I have into progress and then hopefully on the right path to a wicked business!


  1. What is the free host like? need a host for my website. Suzy

  2. Hi Suzy

    Thanks for your comment. Its been very good so far, id recommend it. Im no expert, but it hosts my site and its free! Job Done.




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