Sunday, 18 April 2010

Local Resources

So the aim of getting my business plans to market is to create 1,2 or 3 profitable businesses so that I can easily support my family in the future.  There are lots of resources available to start up companies and people looking for help.

One main company that people know about are Business Link, they help start ups with things such as Grants and Advice.  Other things available to people are things such as business angels, here in Yorkshire there is a company called Yorkshire Business Angels, they are basically a group of investors looking to make money out of start up companies and help young entreprenours.  They are kind of like the Dragons Den people, but without the sarcasm of Duncan Bannatyne and they dont sit in a chair with £100k next to them.

I aim to take advantage of as many of these local resources as I can over the next couple of months, they should be able to provide me with the knowledge that I need to get the results that I want.

On another note, I have some kind of forms that need to be back with companies house by the 20th.  I have registered with webfiling and was expecting some passwords to get mailed to me.  I still havent received these and im sure it was the same lasttime.  I find this ridiculous as these forms by all account are quite important so ill need to chase these tomorrow.

I have already had some enquiries following the writing of this blog which is great, its good that people take an interest and want to get involved.  Hopefully I can get to a stage where I can give a definate answer on the way forward for the business soon.

On another note, hopefully the website will finally be back up and running after a year out tomorrow, I managed to transfer everything to the  server myself, im just having problems with putting the database on here too, so im waiting for a good friend of mine to find the file and show me what to do next!!!

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