Friday, 25 March 2011

Popstar treatment

We have something a little different with todays deal.  I think its fantastic, our kids were forever trying to sing like Hannah Montana and with the Recording Studio Sheffield they can no at least try.

We spoke to Max at the studio and negotiated a deal which would normally cost £299 down to £49.  This gets people from Sheffield 2 hours of studio time, including working on the artwork for their CD and also a digital mastered CD from a professional sound engineer.

Being a small little family business from Rotherham, we are trying to do things a little differently, we are trying to get more family deals on and we are trying to get the right deals.

Only time will tell if we can do this........

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Its been a long time....

It's been a very long time since my last blog.  In fact many things have happened the coalition government made it into power, I left my previous career and had been on job seekers allowance since July and massive tradgedies have hit New Zealand and Japan (amongst many others).

Since then I have launched a brand new business called City Deal of the Day Limited. is our first website.  We have now been trading for 5 weeks and had many ups and downs in that period.

We obviously had to launch the business on a very very limited amount of money, so we begged and borrowed from friends, we are in the process of selling our house and we also received a start up grant from UK Steel Enterprise .

We run what is known in the business as a "Group Buying Website", along the lines of Groupon and Livingsocial who are the main players.  They define group buying as a way to lever discounts from suppliers as everyone forms together to get the best discount.  In my view this is a load of crap, what we actually do is offer Daily Deals, so in essence we are a Daily Deals website.  We currently offer daily deals in Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham, Doncaster and pretty much anywhere in South Yorkshire.

It's gone well so far, we are in need of investment to grow the business and launch into other areas, but we have had some great deals in Sheffield on so far and these include an F1 experience, hair & beauty and meal deals.

As a small family business with no budget, we can't compete financially with the big boys, but we can utilize local knowledge which is how we hope to grow.  We hope to improve relations with large local companies and expand in this way.